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Plants with Provenance by Emma Tennant (Fine Art Society, London 2-10 December 2015)
Emma Tennant at Chatsworth : the Duke’s sister paints favourite plants at home and away
This exhibition was held in the New Gallery at Chatsworth (24 March – 30 June 2013). It celebrated Emma as an artist, gardener, botanist and historian. She took inspiration for theshow from the 6th Duke of Devonshire’s 1840 plant list, unearthed from the Chatsworth archive. Some of the plants are still growing at Chatsworth – some were the original specimens planted by Joseph Paxton, the 6th Duke’s well known gardener – and many missing plants were either grown from seed by Emma or found growing elsewhere. A fully illustrated 96-page catalogue accompanied the exhibition (price £12), if you would like a copy please enquire. Emma Tennant and her work
Isabel Tennant’s gilded flower panels Mother and daughter collaboration – drawn by Emma Tennant on to Indonesian hardwood board and gilded by her daughter Isabel (one of the country’s leading gilders), mother and daughter collaborate artistically. Isabel uses traditional oil-gilding techniques to gild her mother’s pencil drawing with Palladium leaf, a pure metal slightly darker than silver that does not tarnish. If you would like to be notified when more gilded panels become available please contact me katie@katiepertwee.com